Sunday, December 31, 2006

What are you passionate about?

Do you love fashion? Do you admire Tyra Banks or Gischele Bundchen on the catwalk strutting their stuff and wearing the hottest clothes?

Why not join our team; we are looking for the next generation of young and talented fashion designers to feature. Nows your chance, we will be introducing a scheme whereby you will be coached on how to be successful in Fashion design by top designers in Nigeria, you will be able to do this one on one and also get to meet top models in Nigeria. We featured Joke Ladoja in the Charity event in Bristol so don't be shy, other people have done it. Sign up, email me and show us your designs, the best designers will feature in our show in December.

Please email,,,

Whatever it is you are passionate about please let us know and DSPN will show the world what you are made of.........



Your Determination to Succeed, the affirmation to exert the energy and time to sacrifice immediate pleasures, to fight oppositions, to overcome obstacles and challenges in the pursuit of your goals, is an essential ingredient on the road to success.

If you want to succeed in life, assert your individuality, independence and style so that you will not be lost in the crowd. No one else can solve your problems, or work your riddles. You stand or fall by it. Your happiness, your well being, your success and your destiny depend on your carrying out your own programme.

The only world you will ever know anything about; the only world is true for you at this moment; is the one you create mentally. The environment you create out of your thoughts, ideals, beliefs and philosophy is the only one you will ever live.

You cannot afford to be less than God intended you to be; to be less than you feel you should be and cannot be….
Remember, if it is going to be, it is up to me! It is up to you!!!

“When u’re down to notin God is up to sumthin…”

By Chris Egwuatu of DSPN

Sunday, December 24, 2006

DSPN Charity Xmas Party - 23rd Dec 2006

Its over!!! Thank God it was a success. I would just like to say a big thank you to the models, dancers and people who made it for the Xmas Party. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the youths at the friends of the disabled also wish to express their gratitude for giving them a good Christmas.

We still have many t-shirts on sale, all 1500 Naira so please get urs to support the disabled community. If you would like a copy of the video please let me know.

Stay tuned for the next DSPN Event.......

Monday, November 13, 2006

The basic human right

Freedom of Speech is a basic human right. Like every fundamental right it has its origin in the very nature of man. In many countries, awareness about the Freedom of Speech is increasing. In some developing countries like Eritrea, Freedom of Speech is suppressed. Authorities do not allow independent media to thrive. They also use law enforcement as pretext to crack down on any dissent, spoken or written. Eritrea is one of the smallest and poorest countries in Africa. It plays host to a prison where over 15 journalists have been imprisoned without trial for their views.

Freedom of Speech is important in developing countries because the society would be able to speak openly and freely about the Government. People would be free to comment on whether the Government is making the right choices and decisions for the people. It gives the possibility and hopes that things will change for the better, young people especially who have newer ideas may be able to contribute to the building of the society.

In developed countries like the United Kingdom and the United States of America the people and government are more aware of the right to Freedom of Speech. In such countries the right is more robustly exercised and respected. In the United Kingdom the people play a big role in public administration as the Prime Minister or other MPs by freely expressing their views on public matters. The result is that it is more of a give and take society where everyone benefits in the long run. In a country where right to Freedom of Speech is respected the society is strong.

For a long time in developing countries like Nigeria and South Africa, human rights were generally suppressed and people could not talk feely or openly about problems and issues. This led to a society where public opinion was gagged and trampled by the few in control of power and instrument of violence. The result was a debilitating setback in development and myriad of societal problems.

At International Law, the contemporary right to Freedom of Speech was formalised as far back as 1948 with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This was a mere declaration although it gained a lot of persuasive power over the years as guide to countries. The right to free speech later became enforceable law with the emergence of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 1966 followed by the Optional Protocols. The ICCPR became enforceable in 1976 a decade after it became open for signature. The United Nations has therefore played a pivotal role in setting the standard for municipal laws that allow people Freedom of Speech.

Now both at the United Nations (through the Human Rights Committee) and in Europe, individuals whose right to free speech are repressed by governments can bring personal complaints for redress. Elsewhere in the Americas and Africa (for example the West African Community) the right to free speech is becoming more enforceable by individual citizens against their Governments under international judicial frameworks. These multinational arrangements complement or reinforce existing frameworks under municipal laws for redress of denial of the right to free speech and other fundamental rights. For example in Nigeria, Section 46 of the 1999 Constitution invites any person who alleges that his fundamental right including the right to free speech has been, is being, or is likely to be infringed to apply to a High Court for redress.

It should be noted that Freedom of Speech, like every other right that inures to man, is not absolute. For example a white person cannot under the pretext of Freedom of Speech openly abuse a black person in relation to his colour. This is very sensitive and may provoke other black people and lead to insecurity and even anarchy in the society. The need for an orderly society will in that situation rank higher than the white individual’s right to Freedom of Speech. Laws are therefore necessary to curtail the application of Freedom of Speech to ensure public order and security. In many developed countries Freedom of Speech has led to issues that were hitherto considered anathema like the issue of gay marriages to the fore. In many places children and youths are becoming increasingly disobedient and standing up to their parents because they feel Freedom of Speech also means freedom to talk to their parents as they wish. A parent will also feel he or she has the freedom to raise his or her ward the way he or she feels right. At the end there is a whole gamut of confusion over the extent of the guaranteed rights vis-à-vis competing rights also accruing to the State and the individual. The conflicts are usually based on state security, public order, health, morality etc.

There is therefore need to balance the right to free speech with these equally important needs. Section 45 of the Nigerian Constitution makes provision for laws that may derogate from the right to free speech to balance these needs. It is the same in International Law and in other countries. There is no place where any body is free to say whatever he likes and in what manner he likes in the name of Freedom of Speech. Also a person who is defamed by another person’s exercise of right to free speech will go to the civil court and institute an action for defamation against the person who defamed him. The right to free speech should be exercised responsibly. It is usually said that one’s right stops where the other person’s right starts. Some people put it this way: “Your right to swing your arms stops where your neighbour’s nose begins”. The right to Freedom of Speech should be effectively handled so that its exercise does not lead to a disorderly and chaotic society. Article 19(3) of the ICCPR provides that “the exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:
(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;
(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.
However, Governments, especially in developing countries, should realise that the right to free speech is necessary for development and strive to expand instead of narrow the frontiers of that very important fundamental right.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Good Governance



Recently the terms "governance" and "good governance" are being increasingly used in development literature. Bad governance is being increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evil within our societies. Major donors and international financial institutions are increasingly basing their aid and loans on the condition that reforms that ensure "good governance" are undertaken.

This article tries to explain, as simply as possible, what "governance" and "good governance" means.


The concept of "governance" is not new. It is as old as human civilization. Simply put "governance" means: the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Governance can be used in several contexts such as corporate governance, international governance, national governance and local governance.

Since governance is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented, an analysis of governance focuses on the formal and informal actors involved in decision-making and implementing the decisions made and the formal and informal structures that have been set in place to arrive at and implement the decision.

Government is one of the actors in governance. Other actors involved in governance vary depending on the level of government that is under discussion. In rural areas, for example, other actors may include influential land lords, associations of peasant farmers, cooperatives, NGOs, research institutes, religious leaders, finance institutions political parties, the military etc. The situation in urban areas is much more complex. Figure 1 provides the interconnections between actors involved in urban governance. At the national level, in addition to the above actors, media, lobbyists, international donors, multi-national corporations, etc. may play a role in decision-making or in influencing the decision-making process.

All actors other than government and the military are grouped together as part of the "civil society." In some countries in addition to the civil society, organized crime syndicates also influence decision-making, particularly in urban areas and at the national level.

Similarly formal government structures are one means by which decisions are arrived at and implemented. At the national level, informal decision-making structures, such as "kitchen cabinets" or informal advisors may exist. In urban areas, organized crime syndicates such as the "land Mafia" may influence decision-making. In some rural areas locally powerful families may make or influence decision-making. Such, informal decision-making is often the result of corrupt practices or leads to corrupt practices.


Good governance has 8 major characteristics. It is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society.


Participation by both men and women is a key cornerstone of good governance. Participation could be either direct or through legitimate intermediate institutions or representatives. It is important to point out that representative democracy does not necessarily mean that the concerns of the most vulnerable in society would be taken into consideration in decision making. Participation needs to be informed and organized. This means freedom of association and expression on the one hand and an organized civil society on the other hand.

Rule of law

Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are enforced impartially. It also requires full protection of human rights, particularly those of minorities. Impartial enforcement of laws requires an independent judiciary and an impartial and incorruptible police force.


Transparency means that decisions taken and their enforcement are done in a manner that follows rules and regulations. It also means that information is freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions and their enforcement. It also means that enough information is provided and that it is provided in easily understandable forms and media.


Good governance requires that institutions and processes try to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.

Consensus oriented

There are several actors and as many view points in a given society. Good governance requires mediation of the different interests in society to reach a broad consensus in society on what is in the best interest of the whole community and how this can be achieved. It also requires a broad and long-term perspective on what is needed for sustainable human development and how to achieve the goals of such development. This can only result from an understanding of the historical, cultural and social contexts of a given society or community.

Equity and inclusiveness

A society’s well being depends on ensuring that all its members feel that they have a stake in it and do not feel excluded from the mainstream of society. This requires all groups, but particularly the most vulnerable, have opportunities to improve or maintain their well being.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Good governance means that processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources at their disposal. The concept of efficiency in the context of good governance also covers the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.


Accountability is a key requirement of good governance. Not only governmental institutions but also the private sector and civil society organizations must be accountable to the public and to their institutional stakeholders. Who is accountable to whom varies depending on whether decisions or actions taken are internal or external to an organization or institution. In general an organization or an institution is accountable to those who will be affected by its decisions or actions. Accountability cannot be enforced without transparency and the rule of law.


From the above discussion it should be clear that good governance is an ideal which is difficult to achieve in its totality. Very few countries and societies have come close to achieving good governance in its totality. However, to ensure sustainable human development, actions must be taken to work towards this ideal with the aim of making it a reality.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Do you know?

A voting system is a means of choosing between a number of options, based on the input of a number of voters?


Voting is perhaps best known for its use in elections, where political candidates are selected for public office?


Voting can also be used to award prizes, to select between different plans of action, or by a computer program to determine a solution to a complex problem. Voting can be contrasted with consensus decision making?

A voting system consists of the rules for how voters express their desires, and how these desires are aggregated to yield a final result?


The study of formally defined voting systems is called voting theory, a subfield of political science, economics or mathematics? and Voting theory began in the 18th century and has led to several proposals for voting systems?


Most voting systems are based on the concept of majority rule, or the principle that more than half of the voters should get the outcome they want? and Given the simplicity of majority rule, those who are unfamiliar with voting theory are often surprised that such a variety of voting systems exists, or that popular voting systems can produce results not supported by more than half the voters?

If every election had only two choices, the winner would be determined using majority rule alone?

However, when there are three or more options, there may not be a single option that is preferred by a majority. Different voting systems may give very different results, particularly in cases where there is no clear majority preference. Thus, the choice of voting system(s) is one important component of a democratic government.

Now ask yourself;

What should our choice of voting system be? whereas we may continue to ponder on this question, we also have to draw our attention to the importance of voting. As we match on towards 2007, let us realise that our strenght is in our votes. we speak our minds through our votes. We will make considerable difference by our votes.

What then should we do to achieve these?, we only have to look inward and recognise purposeful traits of sincerity in the choices we will be making regarding candidates. Do you prefare to think of immediate gains to taking a stand to do what is right? well, you may ask: what is right?, even as you are thinking about your own answers this minute, you know that it is right that you dont vote for the money you will be getting in the short run!. Seee!, we are the change we need! And when do we start to effect the changes we desire? If i may answer this, i will say the time is now!, if you believe, then post a comment now!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

What Virtue Have you?

Virtue is moral excellence of a person. A virtue is a character trait valued as being good. The conceptual opposite of virtue is vice. The English word virtue is derived from the Latin word virtus which is in turn from vir meaning "man" in the masculine sense. The word virtus means "the male function" conceived in terms of strength or force; hence "the power to accomplish". [The unrelated Latin word vis means simply "power" or "violence"; ancient grammarians were unable to distinguish the two words.] Cf. Ernout-Meillet, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine: Histoire des mots.

Due to ancient
social norms and these linguistic subtleties, virtus was sometimes identified with the masculine warlike virtues such as courage. This has sometimes led to a sense of irony concerning the supposed etymology. In English the word virtue is often used to refer to a woman's chastity. As the philosopher Leo Strauss expresses it, "The mystery of Western thought is how a term that originally meant the manliness of a man came to mean the chastity of a woman."

Virtue can also be meant in another way. Virtue can either have
normative or moral value; i.e. the virtue of a knife is to cut, the virtue of an excellent knife is to cut well (this is its normative value) vs. the virtues of reason, prudence, chastity, etc. (which have moral value).
It is "habitual excellence". It is something practiced at all times. The virtue of perseverance is needed for all and any virtue since it is a habit of character and must be used continuously in order for any person to maintain oneself in virtue.

With the above definitions and explanations, we need not look too far for answers to my question: WHERE IS THE VIRTUE IN OUR POLITICS? Is it in the manner at which we are tranforming politicaly, or the level of imbroglios trailing our transition?. I will not answer the question. i know we all have divergent opinions regarding my question. But whatever happens is only a' test of our strenght and style at democratising!' oops! did i say that? oh yeah i did, we live today in times of great changes in the virtures our leaders are trying to hand to us as legacies, the virture of ''the end justifies the means'', but here we are and the question on our lips remains, What virtue will be left to be emulated come 2007 and beyond?

Think deeply as you read this piece and ask yourself; what have I done to contribute to the search for solutions to our challenges. ours is a country blessed with numerous mineral resources sort after by several economies all over the world, ours is greatness in our human resourses and intelligence, ours has always been individual perfection in any chosen field. We all must make up our minds to leave a life of excellence in our endeavours. look not at the negative virtues of a few individuals in our body polity. You as an individual can change for the best. Chose the best of virtues for that alone is what we all need to turn our country into a greater country for our children and children's children.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Land of Opportunities.

Although Nigeria must grapple with its decaying infrastructure and a poor regulatory environment, the country possesses many positive attributes for carefully targeted investment and will expand as both a regional and international market player. Profitable niche markets outside the energy sector, like specialized telecommunication providers, have developed under the government's reform program. There is a growing Nigerian consensus that foreign investment is essential to realizing Nigeria's vast potential. Companies interested in long-term investment and joint ventures, especially those that use locally available raw materials, will find opportunities in the large national market. However, to improve prospects for success, potential investors must educate themselves extensively on local conditions and business practices, establish a local presence, and choose their partners carefully. The Nigerian Government is keenly aware that sustaining democratic principles, enhancing security for life and property, and rebuilding and maintaining infrastructure are necessary for the country to attract foreign investment. Efforts are been intensified to make sure that our dear country remain a safe place for investment opportunities. We will all come back home someday, and we sure will fall back on something to be glad about. The time is now that we invest in our economy to complement Government efforts. the time to be more positive is now because we have to build a future that generations to come will be proud of. Be positive, be Nigerian for ours is a land of opportunities.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The How to guide?

Just as willpower is an essential factor in achieving success, at some point in time, discouragement and lack of motivation may hinder you from reaching your goal. And it is up to you, and you alone to devise techniques that will help you keep that drive within ablaze.It is helpful to have visual goals. Whatever that is you are working towards, make it visual e.g. if your tryin to look fit and trim write your goals and paste it on your fridge.It may also be something material like a car, or a vacation you have been looking forward to for the longest time. Take or cut out a picture of it and post it at a conspicuous place at work or at home where you can see it often. So that when you feel discouraged, this will remind you of your goal and will help you keep your focus.Make a contract with yourself.

According to motivational researches, people who write down to-do-lists are far more successful in achieving their intended goals than those people who just keep mental lists instead. Putting something in writing somehow makes it more powerful psychologically speaking. This may also be the reason why most cultures have such a high regard in honoring contracts. In the contract, you may also include a certain reward that you will give yourself once you have accomplished the task. After all, everyone likes to be rewarded for completing a good job. Even a simple pat on the back, “good job”, or “thank you” may do the trick to give the person the extra push to carry on, but unfortunately, these may not always be readily available. Considering that these are also essential in keeping oneself motivated, you must learn to find a way to get that encouragement on your own through rewarding yourself.

Abusive people lower your self-esteem and bring you down. Get these negative people out of your life. Surround yourself with positive people. Emulate their example.Smile amply and think happy thoughts.

These will give you a brighter outlook and let you see a clearer picture of what you really want and a fresh mind to know what steps to take to get there. Rather than wait for things to happen, try to be proactive and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Inactivity idles the brain and stagnates your potential to achieve your goals.Read inspirational books and literature. These will help you improve your attitude and heal your mind. A book of success stories also proves to be encouraging. You will not only learn from others' experiences and derive confidence boosting insights from them but the story will be instrumental in motivating you to go for your goal and move ahead with your plans. If this still seems to falter, get training or education. Often times, not knowing how or where to start is frustrating. Knowledge is power. Having a clear understanding of how and where to start is empowering and it will provide the extra drive needed to hit the mark you are aiming at and follow it through.Having enumerated all these tips and tricks to attaining self-motivation, but still you seem to feel lacking that much needed drive, there is one last thing that you must try. Whatever it is that you have been meaning to do, or wanting to achieve, JUST DO IT! Keep on aiming high and go for it! Actually getting your hands dirty best solves the problem of motivation. By “forcing” yourself to just do it, your momentum will pick up slowly as you go along and before you know it you have finished the task or have finally achieved your goal. Divide and conquer is the key. Break down the seemingly unsurmountable undertaking to small doable steps. Not only does it become less overwhelming, but seeing the "in the meantime" results will further your confidence that it can indeed be done.

Lack of motivation happens to us all, but if you do not encourage yourself to accept opportunities and be challenged, no one else will. It is most important to keep your eye on the goal, find ways to keep going, and in no time, you shall reap its benefits. And if at the beginning you were just doing it for the material reward, you will also learn to realize that the fulfillment, satisfaction and self-achievement you derive from reaching your goal is a much pleasurable high that will keep the drive within continually burning.


To believe in yourself is to be confident in your convictions on whatever you choose to undertake. We live today in times of great changes, the changes we see in our behavioural parttern is what we create from within our inner self.
Believe in your maker, cos without HIM, all endeavours are run on faulty engine.
Believe in the possibilty of change in the comtemporary situation for as you believe, so you are.
Believe, believe then believe again because that is the first step to realising that you can be whom you trully aspire to be.
Believe that when you perspire, you dont have to retire, but refire, to acquire the success you desire.
What goes through your mind as you read this piece?
Do you feel that this is by chance? or a destined period of reflection for you?,
maybe the second thought is it!, the time for reflection is now.
As we move towards the period of actualisation of the millenium development goals, we all must believe that all the problems facing the developing world will be history!.
To believe this is to believe in yourself, for WE make up the people who will bring abut the change.
Believe in yourself for then, you would have believed that what you are reading is true.
I believe in my abilities, so i explore more opportunities for the betterment of others.
To believe is to create the foundation for success, the success of DSPN, the triumph of the nigerian youths at home and in the diaspora.
If you believe, then join DSPN, for its time to DOSUMTHING POSITIVE FOR NIGERIA.

How to become more POSITIVE

17 steps to a more positive You.

1. Make the Decision to Stay U.P (Ultra positive). Nothing of consequence happens until you promise yourself that you'll become the most positive person you know. Raise your standards! Everything else flows from this key decision to cut yourself off from the 99% who blame, whine, gossip, and predict doom and gloom. Life is short. Take a stand.

2. Start U.P. then end U.P. every day One of the simplest ways to quickly transform or upgrade your attitude is to begin and end each day with what we call in The 1% Club, Positive Mental Nutrition. Feed your mind with inspirational, spiritual, or motivational ideas for 10-15 minutes immediately upon awakening each morning and right before drifting to sleep each evening. During these two time periods, your mind is extremely susceptible to programming, so make sure your inputs are positive, healthy, and goal-directed. Read, visualize, affirm, pray, rewrite your goals.

3. Summarize Each Day's Victories, Large or Small, in Writing This one practice alone can transform your attitude and generate quantum leaps in self-confidence. Start logging your accomplishments each evening in a notebook or hardbound journal. What a positive habit!

4. U.P. your Physical Exercise Another pillar of Ultra-Positive living is consistent, moderate exercise. This includes aerobic work to burn fat and improve heart health, weight work to tone, strengthen, and elevate metabolism, and flexibility work to stay loose and limber. Face the facts. When you're in terrific shape and feel better about yourself you feel better about your life. You're positioned to live U.P. to your full potential.

5. Break U.P. the Big Four Negative thinking leads to negative emotions which in turn, trigger more negative thinking and so the vicious cycle becomes engaged. The top 4 negative villains include fear, worry, blame and guilt. These emotions terrorize your potential and immobilize your efforts toward becoming Ultra-Positive. When you begin experiencing results you didn't want or expect, it's easy to get scared and start thinking more about potential losses than potential gains. This mindset triggers worry (reverse goal setting) where you vividly imagine what you don't want. To transfer the burden of worry, you'll often blame someone or something outside of yourself. Alternatively, you may exaggerate your role in negative events and experience guilt. Consider negative emotions to be lies from the enemy. Deal with them directly by refusing to entertain the thoughts that fuel them. Invest your time thinking about what you want instead of what you don't want.

6. Forgive Someone, Including Yourself, Daily Harboring grudges and hostility against anyone including yourself tends to attract more circumstances to be upset about. Practice forgiving somebody everyday for any real or imagined transgressions. The better you become at forgiveness, the more positive you can become as a human being. If you skip this one, I'll forgive you.

7. Quarantine Negativity if you can't Dissolve it Carve out a particular time and place to worry (Worry Time) and to complain (Issue Time) each week. This is extremely effective because the rest of your week doesn't get diluted with the minority of negative circumstances that can infect an otherwise healthy week. When you cut the spontaneity out of negativity you severely weaken it.

8. Focus on God. He's U.P. Remind yourself of everything you know to be true about God. God is All-Powerful. God is Love. God is Sovereign. God is always with us. God is Absolute Truth. God never changes. And so on..Thinking about God is good.

9. Schedule 4 Minute Positive Injections Every 2 Hours Think of these as Positive Pit Stops. Review your goals or mission. Practice affirmation or visualization. Pray. Read the Bible. Relive a positive memory. Write a thank you card or send an e-mail of appreciation to someone important.

10. Simplify and DeClutter to stay U.P. Complexity is negative. Simplicity is positive. Room by room, drawer by drawer, try tossing one tiny item of clutter everyday for 30 days. Break your sub goals and milestones down into even smaller components. Renegotiate, and/or downsize, existing commitments to lighten your load a bit for the next 30 days.

11. Get to Bed 60 Minutes Earlier for 10 Straight Days Fatigue, especially chronic fatigue, invites negativity and cowardly thinking. During periods of intense or prolonged stress, extra sleep will help your brain remain an ally in the war against mediocrity. Cut something out of the evening schedule and just drift to sleep with visions of victories dancing in your head. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you.

12. Take a 24 Hour Mental Fast Become Ultra Positive one day at a time. You can rid your attitude of toxic thoughts through the practice of mental fasting. During your fast, abstain from all complaining, criticizing, excuse-making, gossiping and worrying whatsoever! Start with a 60-minute fast and gradually discipline your mind to repel all negativity for a full day. Focus on progress. Repeat as necessary.

13. Stay U.P. and Rewatch Your Favorite Funny Movies Laughter is fabulously positive. Research indicates that people who laugh more actually have more fun. Isn't that surprising? Consider building your own comedy library on DVD. Watch often. You'll stay healthier, more creative, and less stressed and that's a great alternative to the medicine cabinet.

14. Have a Counter-Attack Plan U.P. and Ready Become hyper-sensitive to your thought life. Since you can only be negative when you're thinking negative thoughts, you can quickly become positive by thinking positive thoughts. Be prepared to fight back if you have to. The split second you notice any negative thought running through your mind, replace it emphatically with something like, "I am responsible" or "I trust God" or "I can do it". Repeat, Repeat, Repeat! Be ready with your comeback before the heat of the moment. Make negative, limiting thoughts unwelcome in your mental household.

15. Re-Engage an Old Hobby to stay U.P. Make sure it's positive of course. Involve yourself in an activity that used to be important to you, but may have gotten squeezed out of your life due to other priorities. This will be both therapeutic and rejuvenating. Consider it a gift to yourself. And gifts are positive.

16. Intentionally Cultivate Ultra-Positive Company This one's mandatory. It's next to impossible to become or stay U.P. when the people you live and work with are petty, negative thinkers. Nothing equals the influence of your habitual associations. Be deliberate and purposeful. As you become more positive, you'll attract more positive people in your life and that's good.

17. Help Someone Else UP Donate your money. Donate your time. Volunteer. Simply serve someone less fortunate or contribute your talents and gifts to a worthy organization. Helping those who need help reduces self-centeredness and puts your own challenges into a much more positive perspective. Remember, every situation can be positive when you view it as an opportunity for growth and self-mastery.

Oh and one more thing,

Its not how many times U fall that counts but how well you rise from a fall.

Do Sumthing Positive Events Blog

Hi guys,

Another blog to check out is

This blog is specificaly for Positive events, both past and present. The aim is to simply create awareness that there are youths in our midst organising positive events.

If you have an event coming up, let us know


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More youths making a difference

Have you guys heard about AYA Foundation? If you haven't and don't know who they are, read on.

AYA Foundation, Aspired young artists foundation is all about TALENT and ARTS. AYA is using this project to bring back the arts to Nigeria and Africa as a whole by hosting talent shows for 5 - 18 year olds. AYA Foundation hosted a talent show on the 12th of August 2006 at Fantasy Land.

AYA Foundation team is run by a group of young individuals. Kike Soyode and Ify Ojekwe are on board this project too and they are doing a very good job.

It was a great show, there were all kinds of performances dancing, singing, piano etc. AYA Foundation will be teaming up with DSPN Project to host a Talent and Fashion on the 23rd of December 2006. So don't miss out, if you would like to perform or model just send an email to,,

The DSPN project-

Join the online forum or just leave your comments in this blog. We need your support and input!

Youths making a difference

2006 is coming to an end already, it has flown by very quickly its unbelievable. I remember New years day like it was yesterday, so let me ask this question; Can you list a few positive things you have done this year? If you cannot think of anything, don't worry cause its never too late. There are still 3 months to the year ends and there is also a new year coming up!

So get yourself together, sit down and think about the positive things you could be doing. Positive can mean anything, helping someone who is lost and needs direction, giving alms to the poor or organising a charity show for Aids victims in Africa.

For example:

A group of youths from Loyola Jesuit organised a Fashion show to raise money for the only survivor of the SoSoliso crash, December 10th 2005 to perform facial reconstruction. We thank God for her life and hope more people can donate money towards her operations.

Another example of doing sumthing positive is another group of youths who organised a charity football match and donated the money to Charity.

Be Inspired, Be an Achiever, Be Sumthing!!!

Do Sumthing Positive Nigeria- Youths

Do Sumthing Positive Nigeria is about making a positive impact in our lives, in the way we think and Nigeria as a whole. Many intelligent and talented youths are sent abroad to finish their education but many do not come back because of the issues and problems back in Nigeria. The problems range from bad roads to a poor healthcare system. We can achieve our aim using public education to reach Government Officials, Authorities and Our Parents - we have to remind them that we are the future of Nigeria, that our needs like that of youths living in Nigeria are important and we have a role to play. We can participate in reach out programs for value change and re-orientation, promote and engage in skills and knowledge transfer. We have to drive change through alliances (both at home and in Diaspora), which will assist our youth who are talented and intelligent, who can be leaders of tomorrow but are held back by failure of the system. Millions of children today are dying because of poverty, discrimination, conflict, poor governance and sickness and we have all it takes and can put them to use to make a change. Do Sumthing Positive Nigeria will be joining forces with Aspiring Young Artists Foundation to host a Youth Event in December 2006. The event will cover undiscovered talented youths from all parts of Lagos. We will be inviting people from all walks of life to give motivational talks and speeches. If you are interested and would like to perform just holla.